Sexual Discipline and Transmutation
February 23, 2023
“Fortunate, indeed, is the person who has discovered how to give sex emotion an outlet through some form of creative effort, for he has, by that discovery, lifted himself to the status of a genius.”
Author's Note:
When learning anything new, whether it be a practice, philosophy, belief, etc, the most imperative prerequisite is maintaining an open mind. Without this skill, it's impossible for us to learn meaningfully or confront our behaviors to the point of effective change. I'm adamant about the belief that those who consider themselves avid seekers of virtue or knowledge would deem open-mindedness a trait of such importance.
I've been both studying and experimenting within the realms of sexual transmutation for close to three years now. I think it would be a disservice to the reader to write this article in any capacity short of the lens that this practice has changed my life in ways that I believe to be impossible for other ways to remotely replicate.
The pursuit of mastering this art has taken me to depths that have forced a duality of both external questionings of society and self-reflection that I previously did not incline to approach. With that said, it's also taken me to depths that have forced the inevitable awakening to a much more meaningful way of living.
My goal with this piece is to do the same for you. I sincerely hope you find this read worthwhile.
Diego Dallas
The mass imprint of chronic sensuality is eminent and unforgiving to the consumer. Most modern psyches are laced with a perpetual search for ways to fulfill the burning desire for all forms of pleasure, mindless or purposeful. These cravings are embedded in our nature for sound reasons but have taken shape as over-indulgent abuse. Knowing the former, it's facile to fall victim to the trap of believing it must be in our best interest to fulfill these shameless desires whenever the opportunity arises. The faces of masters that lie beyond the shadows of dominating industries are well aware that the path of least resistance toward seizing the unwavering attention of the masses will blossom from their ability to reconcile with our innate human nature. They've managed to leverage our biology so precisely that, in hindsight, shows submergence into sexual hedonism was inevitable and now reigns society as the mere standard of living, resulting in myrmidons of lustful ardor that will fight for this expression in the name of social progress and human liberation.
To impulsively seek any form of pleasure, most notably sexual pleasure, is a form of self-induced slavery. The moment hormones flair up in response to the possibility of fulfilling this desire, the brain enters a state of primal urgency. Logic and reason become theoretical, if existent at all, and the only thing occupying the moment's purpose is fulfilling the needs of the flesh. How often have we seen individuals lose their lives' stability over a lack of ability to tame this temptation in its most sinister hours? Relationships, jobs, and reputations burned to the ground because one did not develop the strength to hold dominion over the desire for pleasure. How often have we let the sentiments of lust blind our scope of reason? Like a child in a candy store, the mind will fail to operate under a system based on rationale if we refuse to slay the dragon within.
Among the dominating apparatuses have been the emergence of dating and seeking arrangement apps. They've become a prominent symbol of the dehumanization of our gift of sexuality, where the pursuit of love and connection has been reduced to a mere transactional experience of ingenuine dates and one-night stands, void of connection and tyrannical of false pleasure. The result is a trash heap of individuals whose hopeless romanticism has degraded into subconscious self-deprecation. Psychologically damaged individuals who can seldom commit fully to any relationship, pursuing their next casualty like a ravenous carnivore in an attempt to satisfy this carnal beast within. Yet, it’s never enough. Affairs were once exclusive to the committed union and have now been overtaken by a whimpering yearning for an endorphin high. We've betrayed sacredness for cynicism and love for contrivance, not by declared revelation but macro social engineering.
“Massive amounts of thinking, truly stupendous amounts of thinking, have gone into sex without purpose. So why are you doing it? It makes your lymphatic system happy, that’s why. This is a lot of computation that has gone into ‘how can I do more of that?’ with procreation not even being a factor. It’s pretty absurd.”
Think and Grow Rich author Napolean Hill describes, "So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it." The potency of this driving force behind the willful submission to such indulgence that will allow perfectly decent people to fall under outlines the essence of this same force's potential to pioneer our lives toward more prosperous states of consciousness and reality under intentional control. This driving force is the sheer energy we've been gifted of possession, and as we know, energy cannot be created nor destroyed. The energy that ensues post-transmutation is not a vigor of primality but one of transcendence. A rather pragmatic avenue of approach to understanding this concept is available when we consider Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs.
There is an odd level of alignment that occurs when one successfully harnesses and transmutes their sexual energy through more productive, creative outlets that is hard to describe. Thoughts once burned on aimless amativeness suddenly vanish, but they didn't. They transferred into thoughts of higher vibrations. Building up our bodies, pursuing a new endeavor, or cultivating genuine relationships, intimate or otherwise. From a brutally practical standpoint, you will have less time to chase sexual pleasure once your consciousness pivots towards higher vibrations. Neither will you have the desire to, as these desires have been harnessed and utilized for greater reasons. This transference is fleeing in nature and freedom from our own indulgence is a more genuine pleasure than physicality could ever induce.
According to Maslov's theory, the pyramid and its sectors represent the ranking of physiological and psychological desires in humans that must be met in certain order to achieve well-being. These needs grow from primal and survival to transcendent and reflective from bottom to top. When the lower desires such as sex (not sexual intimacy) are properly tamed, the conductive energy can rise up the pyramid into realms that better serve our higher desires and consciousness. This is only available when sexual energy is given creative venues to express itself, as sexual energy is creative energy because of the physical vibration it produces under conduction. This movement of energy through Maslov's pyramid is a universal concept, similar to the chakra system originating in ancient India, which won’t be covered yet.
“The desire for sexual expression is inborn and natural. The desire cannot and should not be submerged or eliminated. But it should be given an outlet through forms of expression that enrich the body, mind, and spirit of man. If not given this form of outlet through transmutation, it will seek outlets through purely physical channels.”
The practice of sexual transmutation has provided me with a new-founded clarity that challenges most rhetorics that the world imposes on us from a considerably younger age. I remember being eleven years old when Fifty Shades of Grey was released. Rubik's cube tutorials and soccer highlights were interrupted by erotic YouTube advertisements of a film so renowned that I wonder what impact media of this nature has had on people as they grew older. Most like me at the time simply accepted this as reality, leading to a dangerous desensitization. We're fed avenues of media for the purpose of reprogramming the psyche for a life of fixation on a false representation of human nature. This is the same reason why the food industry spends billions on advertising addictive concoctions to young children. High schools and colleges are epicenters for the toxicity of hookup culture that most would argue is considered not just generational normalcy but even healthy. I don't argue against the necessity of understanding why this stage occurs in young adults but rather the indulgence and extension of it through mass encouragement we see in music, film, social media, etc. But more importantly, its impacts. People will actively dedicate copious amounts of time and energy on attaining this pleasure, without really knowing why. Is the one-night stand's 'walk of shame' a meme or a nihilistic output of mass deception?
This is not a diatribe against sexual expression nor an exhortation of celibacy, but rather something more divine. My greatest mistake when learning about this way of life was letting the frustration of a deceived population impede my ability to share the grace of this practice with those who are trapped in their ostensible rawness of egoic human desires. Self-actualization is achieved not just by recognizing what serves our higher self but by eliminating what doesn't. Embracing this discipline is not brainwashing into numbness but returning to what existed before the shift toward sexual degeneracy that we bear witness to today. I reckon most that indulge will eventually be met with a regretful sorrow so blistering that the dominant cope will be the same behavior that led to this regret in the first place; this is not far off from diagnosable addiction. For the time being, I'm unconfident in my ability to adequately describe the ways in which harnessing this discipline has shifted paradigms in my consciousness and reality, so I'll consider this a mere introduction.
Irrespective of your stance on these thoughts, I encourage meditation upon them, as what is right is not foreign but intensely innate to the indomitable human spirit.